New Colors… New Palettes… A New You!
What is the best thing you can do when you don’t have a thing to wear? What’s the secret ingredient that can instantly improve the way you look and feel?
It’s simple — discover your personal colors! Here Lee will introduce you to her original, easy-to-follow Color Clock™ ® system — the quick way to find and use the colors that reflect your personal style and transform the way you look.
First, a little bit of history…
As some of you may already know, More Alive With Color is an update of my first book, Alive With Color and, just as I felt when that book was published, the time is right to present to new generations the concepts presented in that book. It is also the appropriate time to offer an alternative to those people who might have had their colors done and were not particularly happy with the results. Others may feel that times have changed (and they have!) and they would like a more flexible system for selecting colors.
There are many others who simply want to feel more confident with their color choices or are going through transitions in their lives and want to make changes to their color and styling as well. The Color Clock™ system explained in the book is less rigid than other color analysis systems and includes expanded Crossover colors that work with every palette. Individual personalities and comfort levels are also important considerations in determining personal Colortimes®.
A message from Leatrice Eiseman
“If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career or looking for opportunities to expand your color knowledge, I hope that you decide to take this program. If you have a fascination or passion for color, I know that you will enjoy learning a color concept that allows you to tap into your own creativity, potential and talents to further develop them. The relationship you develop with your clients and the positive feedback you get from them will not only enrich their lives, but yours as well.
I look forward to having you join our international group of Colortime® Image Consultants.”
– Leatrice (Lee) Eiseman

Color: Messages and Meanings – “The Best Color Guide! – This is a newer edition of a book we’ve had in our graphic design studio for several years. Even after 34 years in the business, sometimes you just need a kick in the pants to come up with a great color combo, and this book gives you countless ideas sorted by feel, emotion, application, etc. I’ve gotten to a point where it’s as important as a software manual when we get into a jam. Buy it!”
More Alive with Color – “The book is ALIVE with COLOR…just like YOU! What a great book…I couldn’t put it down…you have once again given us a great COLOR tool to use Everyday! Educational and Inspirational…as always! Keep up the good work…I hope our paths cross again this year!You’re the best! Your Colorful FAN!”