September 9, 2011
I recently returned from a whirlwind trip to South Korea where I delivered an in-house seminar to one of the leading paint companies on the psychology of color from an international perspective. I gave another presentation on future color trends at a building expo with an audience made up primarily of residential and contract designers, architects, builders, marketing people and educators.
I was interviewed by Vogue Magazine on fashion color trends and by Design magazine, a publication for people in the arts and business.
It was a fascinating glimpse of another culture, as I had never been there before. The food was fabulous – so interestingly prepared and presented. They were perfect hosts and I definitely want to do a return engagement.
I had little time to sightsee as I am leaving for Paris soon (poor moi) for more work (but also a little fun). What did strike me was that so many of the professional women were dressed in the latest but very classic fashion. Their everyday attire is more conservative in neutrals, blacks and whites with touches of color in scarves and such. Yet their background speaks of a very colorful tradition, particularly for wedding ceremonies as well as the embellished costumes of the former kings.
Please note the styles and colors that are shown here. The tendency in modern times is to wear a more westernized dress for the wedding.