March 11, 2011

Recently, I received some feedback on the background color of this blog (feedback is greatly appreciated). Eisemancolorblog has always used a black background as its background. To me, it is much like the fantastic red scarf that pops against a black jacket, black is the medium for which we deliver pops of color whether in text or imagery.

I found this infographic especially interesting and reaffirming. Interesting because I love a good infographic especially one on color and reaffirming because it validates our thoughts and inspiration behind our choice in using black.

We may be biased.

A quote from Color: Messages and Meanings about black…

“Another color can come forward and claims in the fashion press will be made that it is usurping black’s place but the reality is that black will always have a presence, not only in the world of fashion, but in all design disciplines. Adding black to any color renders that color more powerful, creating an illusion of depth, weight, solidity, substance and most often, more subtlety. Black is a fundamental factor in process printing; the final letter of CMYK is the last letter of the word black.”

The Psychology of Color by Tech King