June 27, 2011

It is always interesting to get inquiries regarding color from far-off places, especially when they are seeking a more “westernized view” of how to use color in interior décor. Just recently I was called by Angela Boshoff Hundal, feature writer for InsideOut, a décor magazine located in Dubai. She quoted me throughout her article and I thought I would share an overview of some of the information she included.

The article “The ultimate living room guide” is about color in the living room. She pointed out that color preferences might vary according to culture, still various hues affect people in a universal way, which I have certainly found to be true.

IDdesign's chic living room is feminine without being too girly.

She encouraged her readers to think of specific shades for the living room based on their intrinsic meanings. I had pointed out to her that, while blue generates tranquility in the lightest, deepest and certain mid-tones, the electric blues can be just as stimulating as red (a blue flame glows even more brightly than a red flame). Green speaks of nature and replenishment; yellow, a feeling of warmth and welcome while warm peach has a certain nurturing quality. Black is associated with power and sophistication, white is clean and pristine, but not good if over-used as it can appear sterile and cold. Not a good message in a living room.

I told her that in the U.S. people personalize their space and use the shades they are drawn to, still there are messages that are inherent in each color family that “speak to” the individual making decorating decisions regarding color.

Included in her article was a direct quote pointing out that while color is vital, “lighting is the most important aspect of bringing the full color spectrum into a living environment and shouldn’t dilute the trueness of any particular color.”

gulfnews : The ultimate living room guide.