February 11, 2011

I recently shared my love of the infographic and as such thought it fitting to share another one. Today’s graphic comes from Jerry Yudelson’s Presentation, Cool Water: Blue Is The New Green. It just felt right to do a blog about green since the promise of spring is right around the corner (according to Puxsutawney Phil). There are blossoms on the trees to substantiate that theory.

I found this interesting excerpt about green as quoted in Leatrice Eiseman’s Colors For Your Every Mood. Dr. Kurt Goldstein states in his book, The Organism (D.C. Health and Co., 1939):

“One could say red is inciting to activity and favorable for emotionally determined actions; green creates the condition of meditation and exact fulfillment of the task. Red may be suited to produce the emotional background out of which ideas and actions will emerge; in green these ideas will be developed and action executed.”

I really do love the Jolly Green Giant!